Design and create single sided PCB Layout for Full Adder using Logic gates.
AIM: To design the single sided PCB layout for Full Adder using Logic gates with MULTISIM.
1. PC loaded with MULTISIM software.
2. Laser printer.
o Open MULTISIM Software, Click=> File => New => Design.
o Click File => save as in Desk Top and rename the Design1 to your circuit name then save.
o Go to Component TOOL BAR and select BASIC components like resistor, LED and Click PLACE TTL icon then select 7486, 7408, 7432 and connect as per given circuit diagram and save it.
o Test the circuit with simulation RUN button.
o Remove Power source and switches with replacement of connector.
o Change Properties of the all component into PCB Mode.
o Set the Track width = 30 mils, trace to trace and trace to pad = 10 mils,
o Go to Transfer icon => Transfer to Ultiboard 12.0 then save the file and got Import netlist and click ok.
o Go to OPTIONS icon Select PCB Properties icon and select copper layers Click properties untick routing click ok for single side PCB.
o Select all components into Board Outline and make small pcb size with the help of board Outline.
o Click Auto route icon then click auto router to make PCB Layout.
o Finally print the PCB Layout with help of printer.
Thus the design of a single sided PCB Layout for Full Adder using Logic gates with MULTISIM software CAD tool was done.
All PCB Design Layout Experiments:
1. Full wave rectifier.
2. Bridge rectifier.
3. Common Emitter Amplifier.
4. Amplitude Modulator.
5. Frequency Modulator.
6. Astable Multivibrator using 555 IC.
7. Half Adder using logic Gates.
8. Full Adder using Logic gates.
9. 4 Bit Binary counter using D Flip Flops.
10. 4 Bit Shift register (PIPO) using JK Flops.
11. Positive voltage regulator using 7895 and 7812 IC.
12. Analog Multiplier using 741 IC.
13. Flashing LEDs using 555 IC.
14. Fan Regulator.
15. Liquid Level Controller.