Latest Arduino Mega Project Titles
Find your Final year Electrical. Electronics, Computer Science and instrumentation latest project titles for Diploma and Engineering latest titles here.
1. Wireless Black Box for Cars using Sensors & GPS module
2. Quadriplegics Wheelchair Control by Head Motion using Accelerometer
3. Health Monitoring System using 7-Segment Display & Atmega Microcontroller
4. Smart Charger Monitoring System using Arduino
5. IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System Project
6. Advanced Automatic Self-Car Parking using Arduino Project
7. Arduino Based Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot
8. Arduino Ultrasonic Sonar/Radar Monitor Project
9. IOT Circuit Breaker Project
10. Third Eye For Blind Ultrasonic Vibrator Glove
11. Smart E Glasses For Voltage Measurement
12. IOT Industry Protection System Arduino
13. Automatic Sketching Machine Project
14. Smart Dustbin With IOT Notifications
15. Womens Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts
16. Sun Tracking Solar Panel Using Arduino
17. Arduino Based System To Measure Solar Power
18. Rotating Solar Panel Using Arduino
19. IOT Based Fire Department Alerting System
20. IOT Solar Power Monitoring System
21. Programmable Energy Meter With Bill Estimation
21. Advanced Footstep Power Generation System
22. Coin Based Water Dispenser System
23. Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System
24. IOT Irrigation Monitoring & Controller System
25. Fingerprint Vehicle Starter Project
26. Rough Terrain Beetle Robot
27. Zigbee Based Secure Wireless Communication Using AES
28. Heart Attack Detection By Heart Beat Sensing
29. Joystick Controlled Steering Mechanism Vehicle
30. Fingerprint Bank Locker
31. Fire & Gas Accident Avoider System
32. GPS Vehicle Tracking & Theft Detection
33. Automated Car Parking With Empty Slot Detection
34. Vehicle Movement Street Light With Light Sensing Atmega
35. Wireless Patient Health Monitoring
36. Smart Solar Grass Cutter With Lawn Coverage
37. High Performance Hovercraft With Power Turning
38. Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project
39. Smart Wireless Battery Charging With Charge Monitor Project
40. Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm
41. Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Vehicle
42. Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity)
43. Prepaid Energy Meter With Theft Detection
44. IOT Garbage Monitoring System
45. GSM Patient Health Monitoring
46. IOT Electronic Door Opener
47. Soldier Health & Position Tracking System
48. IOT Liquid Level Monitoring System
49. Anti Drowning System With Remote Alert
50. Hovercraft Controlled By Android
51. Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter
52. Traffic Density Control With Android Override Using Avr
53. GSM based Industry Protection System
54. CNG/LPG Gas Leakage Accident Prevention System
55. Accident Identification and alerting project
56. Fingerprint Authenticated Device Switcher
57. Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication
58. Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion
59. Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper
60. Remote Stepper Motor Controller System
61. RTC Based Pump Switcher
62. Secure Fingerprint Bank Locker With Image Capture
63. Smart Room Temperature Controller Atmega
64. Automatic Unauthorized Parking Detector With SMS Notification To Owner
65. Ultrasonic Blind Walking Stick
67. Fault Diagnosis and small wind turbine monitoring
68. CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert
69. Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter
70. 70. IOT Weather Reporting System.
1. HC-05 – Bluetooth
2. Mpu 6050 accelerometer-gyroscope- -module
3. Flame-sensor
4. Rotary-encoder
5. Force-sensor-fsr400
6. Current-sensor-acs712
7. Flex-sensor
8. IR-sensor-tcrt5000
9. Pulse-sensor-pin
10. Color-sensor-tcs230
11. SD-card-module
12. Oled-with-arduino
13. Addressable-rgb-led-strip-ws1812
14. Relay-module
15. TFT-1-8-display-st7735r
16. 8×8-dot-matrix-display-max7219
17. Smoke-sensor-mq-2
18. Ultrasonic-sensor-HC-sr04
19. PIR-motion-sensor-hc-sr501
20. Tilt-sensor-sw-520d
21. Microphone-sound-sensor
22. Reed-switch-reed-sensor
23. Rfid-reader-Em18
24. Rfid-tag
25. RTC-real-time-clock-ds1307
26. Temperature-sensor-ds18b20
27. Moisture-sensor
28. Rain-sensor
29. Pressure-sensor
30. Accelerometer
31. MOC-3021-circuit
32. DHT11-DHT22-temperature-and-humidity-sensor