Industrial Based IEEE Projects 2024 Topics

Industrial Based IEEE Projects – 2024

1. Distribution Transformer Monitoring Using GSM Technology
2. Prepaid Energy Meter with GSM technology
3. Bluetooth remote home automation system using android application
4. Substation monitoring and controlling using GSM Low cost wireless sensor network in field operation monitoring of ac motor
5. Applied research of the intelligent temperature-controlled speed adjustable motor in radiator fan
6. Electronic energy meter with instant billing
7. Remote power on/off control and current measurement for home 8. electric outlets based on a low-power embedded board and ZIGBEE
9. Energy saving project for heating system with ZigBee wireless control network
10. Implementation of ZIGBEE-GSM based home security monitoring and remote control system

11. Automation of residential electricity cut off using network based embedded controller
12. Design of intelligent streetlight monitoring system based on micro controller
13. GSM-based wireless home appliances monitoring & control system
14. Real-Time Atomization Of Agricultural Environment for Social 15. Modernization of Indian Agricultural System
16. Method of Measuring Power Quality and Development of Monitor Device
17. A novel technique of ac power control using micro controller based inverter
18. Design Of Controlled Dc Voltage Regulator Using Semi Converter With Motor Drive
19. Design of controlled DC voltage regulator using full wave converter with motor speed control
20. Design of dual converter using micro controller with lighting load

21. Design And Implementation Of Multi Phase(Two- Phase) Chopper 22. Using Micro Controller
23. Designing of boost converter using micro controller
34. Design of two quadrant/buck-boost converter using micro controller
25. Design And Development Of Fly Back Converter With Lighting Load Using Micro Controller
26. Design Of Simple Buck Converter With Variable Output Voltage Using PWM IC 3525
27. Implementation Of Enhanced Buck Converter Using Micro Controller With Variable Output Voltage
28. Design of controlled DC voltage regulator using half controlled converter
28. Design of 5 level cascaded multi level inverter with 1 auxiliary switch
30. Design Of Single Phase PWM H-Bridge Inverter Using 3525 IC For Variable Output Voltage

31. A New Switching Topology In Designing Combined Cascaded Multi Level Inverter(7 Level) With Reduced THD
32. Design Of Full Bridge Inverter With Sine Wave PWM Technique Using Micro Controller For Motor Application
33. Design of 5 level symmetrical cascaded multi level inverter
34. Single Phase H-Bridge Inverter With Pulse Width Modulation To 35. Reduce Harmonic Content In The Output Voltage
36. Design Of 7 Level Asymmetrical Cascaded Multi Level Inverter With Reduced Total Harmonic Distortion
37. Design Of Single Phase Parallel Inverter Employing PWM Technology Using Microcontroller
38. Single phase PWM half -bridge inverter using micro controller with lighting load
39. Single phase PWM half-bridge inverter using 3525 IC with lighting load
40. Design of step down cyclo converter using dual converter SCR bridge with lighting load

41. A Simplified V/F Control Technique For Speed Control Of Induction Motor
42. Speed Control Of Dc Motor Using Four Quadrant Chopper
43. A Novel Solution In Achieving Variable Speed Control Of Dc Motor Using micro controller
44. Speed Control Of Induction Motor Using Voltage Control Method
46. Employing Frequency Control Technique For Obtaining Variable Speeds In Driving Single-Phase Induction Motor
47. Variable Speed Control Of Universal Motor Using Micro Controller
48. Transmission Line Multiple Fault Detection And Indication To Substation Using Wireless Technology
49. Automatic power factor correction using switching capacitors
Unbalanced Three-phase Optimal Power Flow for Smart Grids
Substation monitoring system (measurement of PF, voltage, current, temp.)
50. Transformer oil temperature monitoring with automatic Circuit Breaker operation.

51. Single phasing preventer for protection of three phase (3-ph) loads
52. Automatic switching of consumer connection in distribution feeder for different load distribution
53. Automatic change over for three phase connection with data logger
54. Automatic switching of consumer connection in distribution feeder for different load distribution
55. Auto selection of any available phase in 3 phase supply system
56. An On-line Monitoring System of Transmission Line Conductor
Over voltage or under voltage tripping mechanism

57. Voice / touch screen /MEMS controlled Wheel chair for patients and physically challenged persons with capacity upto100Kgs
58. Intelligent shopping trolley using RFID Elegant home with power saving, security, safety, remote controlling and auto control of water tank motor
59. Intelligent train engine to avoid accidents and controlling railway gate automatically
60. Vehicle theft control and accident location intimation through SMS.

61. Intelligent traffic signaling priority system for ambulances and VIP vehicles
62. Automatic marks sending system to students through SMS
63. Automation of tollgate and blocking of unauthorized vehicles
Electronic health card
64. Child safety management system using RF Technology.
65. Cost effective energy billing system.
66. Advanced bus ticketing system with alert to passenger


Subramanian MK, currently serving as a workshop instructor at Sakthi Polytechnic College, Erode Tamil Nadu. With a career spanning 25 + years, Subramanian MK has dedicated himself to advancing knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His passion for exploring new technologies has led to the development of numerous projects, showcasing expertise in IoT and PCB design.

Articles: 514

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