Admission to second year B.E/B.TECH Degree courses under later entry Scheme
Lateral Entry Scheme 2014-2015,
BE. Second year admission 2014,
B.TECH Second year admission 2014,
ACCET Lateral Entry B.E Admission 2014,
Admission Centre: Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Application last date:
B.E Applications are invited from Diploma holders in Engineering / Technology and B.Sc graduates for admission to second year B.E /B.TECH degree courses during 2014 to 2015 under lateral entry scheme for seats in government, government aided engineering colleges.
Diploma Holders:
a pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any one of the diploma in appropriate branch of engineering /technology of the state board of technical education and training tamil nadu/equivalent prescribed for the degree courses.
B.Sc Graduates:
A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any recognized bachelors degree in science of minimum 3 years duration with 10+2+3 years pattern studied core mathematics as one of the subjects at degree level.
Application forms can be obtained in person from the following engineering colleges/Polytechnics colleges on all working days.
Rs. 300/- in the form of demand draft obtained no earlier than 12-05-2014 from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of ” The Secretary,
Second year B.E/B.TECH Degree Admissions-2014, ACCET, Karaikudi” payable at karaikudi.
FOR SC/ST: Free Application.
Application form can also be obtained by post form The Secretary, Second year B.E/B.TECH degree admission -2014,
Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi-630 004. by sending a separate self addressed envelope of size 35 x 26 duly affixing stamp to the value of Rs.50/- along with a demand draft as mentioned above with requisition letter.
Last date for the filled application: For more details: Click here.
For First Year B.E / B.TECH Admission: Click Here.