How to disable protected view option in MS Office?
Hey, friends, there are many little options that are available to protect our system from any virus or any spyware programs. But in some time, these options may disturb our work.
MS Office is known for their user-friendly platform, which no other software can provide it. If you are a daily internet user or blogger or student or any, we usually check our emails or download some word documents etc,.
When we open those files our MS office will say this file is harm to your computer. We can’t be sure that all these files are safe for our system. So let’s see about it,
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Protected View:
Protected view opens any files in a safe mode to help to minimize the harm to our PC.
By this option, mostly it will take a time or editing option disabled to open any word or excel file which is downloaded from the internet. (as shown in the screenshot.
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Follow the Steps:
- Open MS Word.
- Go to “file”
- Click on “Option”
- A dialogue appears and click on “Trust Center”
- Then select “Trust Center Setting”
- Now select “Protected View” in the sidebar of the dialogue box.
- Then disable the option, as shown in the screenshot.
- Now open any word which is downloaded from the internet. It will automatically open.
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