Voltage Comparator circuit:-
fixed reference voltage Vref is applied to the (-) input, and the other time – varying signal voltage Vin is applied to the (+) input;
Because of this arrangement, the circuit is called the non-inverting comparator.
Depending upon the levels of Vin and Vref, the circuit produces output. In short, the comparator is a type of analog-to-digital converter.
At any given time the output waveform shows whether Vin is greater or less than Vref.
The comparator is sometimes also called a voltage-level detector because, for a desired value of Vref, the voltage level of the input Vin can be detected.
- A fixed reference voltage Vref is applied to the (-) input, and to the other input a varying voltage Vin.
- Vary the input voltage above and below the Vref and note down the output at pin 6 of 741 IC.
- Observe that, when Vin less than Vref, the output voltage is -Vsat ( @ – VEE)
- when Vin is greater than Vref, the output voltage is +Vsat (@+VCC).
Comparator Calculation:
- If Vin < Vref, Vo = -Vsat @ – VEE
- Vin > Vref, Vo = +Vsat = +VCC.
Vin | V Ref=v | V = o/p |
3 | .75 | +10 |
6 | 7.2 | -10.5 |