Solar power Bank Charger circuit Diagram
Solar power Bank circuit using TP 4056 and a 5v boost converter module. What if you don’t have to recharge your power bank more frequently?
Here is a twist, make is solar powered power bank. An extra component is needed i.e a solar panel module of 5volt 500mA/ 1000mA.
Buy it and follow the connection diagram below, go through the power bank internal circuit.
As we know that all li-ion cells 18560 must in parallel connection to use it with the modules to utilise battery capacity.
Take any two-color wire to join positive terminal with one wire and -I’ve with others wore and mark it down for further wiring.
On controller module TP4056 circuit board locates +N and -N terminal.
On that terminal connect positive terminal from battery to +N terminal of a module and -ve terminal from battery to -N terminal on the circuit board.
Make sure the symbol on the module + and – , never interconnect wires because it will burn the circuit board.
Now use your power bank whenever required and feed it sunlight to recharge it.