LPG Gas Accident Prevention with Auto EB off and Window Open
In recent days as usage of gas is flexible and cheaper, it has been increased from home to hotels, industries, office etc.
Besides its advantageous, gas leakage is becoming a major concern at all the places wherever it is being used as it may lead to a small accident or sometimes major disaster causing a great loss of infrastructures and lives of people.
With the available advanced Mobile technologies, it is possible to build a system to prevent such accidents and informing the right person in case of tragedy.
Hence, this project has designed and developed a device which is capable of detecting the gas leakage and send alert message to specified mobile number. This proposed device could detect leakage of LPG, Methane, Butane or any such petroleum based gaseous substance using MQ5 Sensor (gas sensor) and send SMS to registered mobile number,
when the gas leakage is detected by the gas sensor then it sends an SMS alert to the registered mobile number thus notifying the owner to be careful and to take careful measures thus saving their lives and things, at same it make sound with buzzer, automatically open windows in the kitchen side.
Implementation results of this device have proved its effectiveness.

1. Detection System
2. Prevention System
3. Alerting System