How to Repair Digital Oscilloscope?

How to Repair Digital Oscilloscope?

DSO – Means Digital Storage Oscilloscope. The digital oscilloscope is an essential output waveform test instruments in the field of Electronics, If come sometimes high voltage it will demage.  How to Repair Digital oscilloscope.
1. Dual Analog channels.
2. 5.6 inch 64k TFT LCD Screen.
3. Waveform record and replay.
Application of DS.
1. Electronic circuit testing.
2. Functional testing with circuit.
3. Logical signal verification.
4. To test mixed signals.

Type: DS1052E.

Frequency: 50Mhz.
Max input voltage: 400v (DC+AC Peak) and 40 V DC.(Use probe attenuation 1X TO 1000X)
Make: Rigol.

  1. Unscrew top of the back cover hidden Below the Handle.
  2. Un scree bottom backside 2 screws.dso14
  3. Remove RS232 Port Screws covered with metal sheet.dso12
  4. Dont remove the power socket screws.
  5. Remove top screws.dso13
  6. Front view of the DSO.dso5
  7. Top View of DSOdso7
  8. DSO Main PCBdso3
  9. SMT Main PCBdso4
  10. SMPS Power Supply Board.dso8
  11. Round mark indicates the faulty components.dso10
  12. Soldering side of the PCB.dso2
  13. After Covered DSO in front side.dso16
  14. Switch on the AC POWER.dso17
  15. The Internal test clock pulse are displayed.dso18

Subramanian MK, currently serving as a workshop instructor at Sakthi Polytechnic College, Erode Tamil Nadu. With a career spanning 25 + years, Subramanian MK has dedicated himself to advancing knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His passion for exploring new technologies has led to the development of numerous projects, showcasing expertise in IoT and PCB design.

Articles: 514

One comment

  1. Dear colleague, receive a warm greeting. I am very grateful that you can share your experience in repairing this oscilloscope.

    I have one like it, and I’ve been researching a hard week to try to fix it (it turns on but shows a blank screen).

    I ask you a question colleague: If my problem is the same as yours, would this prevent the 100uF / 400V capacitor from charging?

    Thank you!

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