How to download torrent files in android mobiles?
Today torrent is the most used tool to download many files like music, video, games, software.
It can be used to download more than 10 GB file size. The download speed depends on the file download speed strength.
I used to download the torrent files in my PC. Then I searched in playstore for any application that can be capable of downloading torrents.
Then I noticed there is a free app from utorrent, then I installed the app in my galaxy Trend powered by Android Jelly Bean OS.
It gives better results for me. I like to share my experience with you.
- Able to search for torrent files through internet.
- Easy to resume and pause the downloading files.
- Options to start the download when startup.
- Easy to switch between completed and downloading files.
- Options are available for adding torrent using torrent files in phone memory.
- Download and upload limit for files can be fixed.
- This is a free application from play store.
- Able to completely shutdown the app using the power-off in the top of the menu.
Download Link From Play Store
How to start download?
- Open the installed utorrent application.
- Then click the search icon in the bottom of the menu of this application.
- Then search the desired keyword as like in this screenshot.
- Then the google search page will be opened, if you set chrome as default browser.
- I recommend that, Google Chrome is the best app to show better result than any other.
- Then download the torrent files from any website.
- Then open your memory files, search for downloaded torrent file.
- Click the file and the download starts automatically.
- That’s all wait for download completes!
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