How to change the Cofe 4G device password.
You can easily change the Cofe device password from Laptop, Desktop or Mobile phone.
The default password for the Cofe 4G Device is 1234567890
Follow these steps to change the Cofe password:-
Step 1. Connect your Cofe device to laptop, desktop or mobile phone using wifi or LAN cable. If you are connecting using wifi use default password (1234567890)
Step 2. Now open Google Chrome or any browser.
Step 3. Type IP address in browser address bar and then search.
Step 4. A login page will appear on your screen. Now use the default login password ‘ admin ‘ and click on login.
Step 5. A dashboard will appear where you can see all settings such as connect status, network settings, connected devices, Statistics, and device status.
Step 6. Now click on wifi settings under network settings.
Step 7. Choose your desired password and click on apply.
Now Your Cofe device password is changed and now you can use new password to connect with the Cofe wifi device.
Browse 192.168 .100.1 not open page on laptop how can change wifi password on cofe device.user manul missing in box incorrect dittel stick user password not match pls help how can change password .
Yes brother
Do you have the firmware file for cofe 4g router? If yes, please inform
It gives incorrect password I tried 12345678, 123456789, 12345678990 and admin too, I’m unable to connect to the cofe router. any alternate solution (excluding Ethernet).