Hike Messenger – Best alternative for facebook messenger

Hike Messenger Application Download – Gives Better chatting experience
Android platform gives entertainment for us. Its applications are available for download free or paid from the playstore and also from any external sources. In playstore social applications are plenty like facebook or twitter and others. In this many of peoples like to chat with using their facebook account.

In this way there are also applications like wechat, line or whatsapp and others. Many of the mobile users still like to chat with old method of sending an SMS to their friends. I also like to send SMS to my friends, because of my friends don’t have internet connection in their phones.

So I searched for an application to have both messenger for chatting and also sending free SMS with the same application. So I searched play store and I found an application which solves all of my needs. This app is names as “HIKE” and it is also available for free :-

D in the playstore.

This application will give better experience if you use this app in India. Now let’s see about the hike in this article.

hike messenger
Features of Hike:

Hike messenger is available for free from android play store. This application has a neat look with opening has details of all our friends in hike account and also friends whom you sending free SMS. The chatting area of this application is cool with having many features like stickers or emotions and many more. During chatting you can able to share,

  • Share photos from your devices.
  • Take photos and also add it to the chat.


  • Add music files to chat and share to all of your friends.
  • Share location with GPS enabled with your friends.
  • Share video and docs or PPT or Zip and other files upto 100 MB each.

                You can change theme of your chat with your friends. There are lots of themes available for download from the official website and add with your friends.

Then the next feature of this chat application is having many stickers and lot’s of new stickers are released by the hike team. You can also play games using this application online. 

  Now for the most attractive feature of this application is sending free SMS to any mobile in India only. Chat with your friends using online, if you are online and your is offline.

You have to wait or give a missed call to ask him to come online, in case of Facebook messenger application. But in case of hike you can able to even send the messeges as SMS to your friends smartphone, even if he is offline.

You can also chat with your friends who doesn’t have an hike account as SMS. This Free SMS service is limited and it can be increase if you follow the conditions in the rewards messages. So look for Rewards in the settings, and look for many offers given by hike team.

hike messenger
Key Features:

  • Chat with your as like your Facebook messenger unlimited but in facebook messenger you cannot able to chat with friends who are offline. But in-case of hike you can chat with free SMS to all mobile numbers in India.
  • MMS can be send to mobile numbers also with regular costs all numbers i.e non hikers.
  • This application 128-bit SSL protection for WiFi only.
  • Unified inbox i.e receive regular SMS within hike.

Then what are waiting after reading this article. Install hike application in your android smartphone and enjoy all the above mentioned features. 

Download Link:

Download Hike From Play Store

Scan this QR Code to get quick response from smartphones!


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Keerthi Varman
Keerthi Varman

Keerthivarman completed his graduate at PSG Tech, Coimbatore, TN and also a part-time blogger. He loves to dig into Android Apps, PC Suite and website design, explores everything and shares his knowledge with readers. He always looks forward to increasing productivity and being happy.

Articles: 217

One comment

  1. Hike messanger is nice app and better alternative for FB messanger. There are so many apps which are better and I love to keep it like Skype for Video calling and Whatsapp for chatting.

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