Micromax A94 lauched for Rs. 8490/-
Micromax launched MAd A94 model smartphone with android Jelly Bean OS V4.2. This phone has 1.2GHz Quad Core Processor. This phone has both front and rear camera of 5MP clarity.
The screen is of 4.2 inches and the other detailed specifications are seen below.
This phone has screen of 11.2cms(4,2 inches) dimensions.
The is of IPS and Capacitive touchscreen technology.
The screen resolutions is of 400 x 854. This phone can playback 720 pixels videos at rate of 30 fps. The support video formats are .avi, .mp4, .mkv, .3gp,.
This bundled with 1.2 GHz Quad core processor. The camera is of 5MP and the rear camera has LED flash light support and able to capture videos at 720 Pixels clarity.
This camera also has auto focus technology. The front and back camera is of same models.
The battery of this phone is of 1800mAh and able to standby for 180Hrs. The network available for this smartphone is GSM/GPRS/WCDMA type.
The RAM is of 512MB and the internal memory is of 4GB and the external memory can be expanded upto 32GB. Sensors like Gravity, proximity, light are available.
Key Features:
Android Jelly Bean OS | 512 MB RAM |
4GB ROM | Quad Core Processor |
1.2GHz Processor | 5MP front Camera |
5MP rear camera with LED | Auto-focus |
Wi-Fi | Bluetooth |
USB | IPS screen |
400×854 resolution | 2G/3G |
1800 mAh battery | 180 Hrs standby |
720 P video playback | 4.2 inches |
The price of this smartphone is Rs. 8,490/-. Join the MAd charades Contest to win prizes.
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