loRa ESP8266 Arduino with Alexa

IoRa ESP8266 – Datasheet

The Lora ESP8266 Arduino IoT project with Google Assistant and Alexa. Here explained both the transmitter and receiver Lora circuit, source codes to control the relays, and monitor real-time feedback with the Google Home and Amazon Alexa IoT platform.

Lora WiFi project to control any appliances from anywhere in the world. So this project is very useful in rural areas.

Transmitter Lora ESP8266 circuit:

1. Lora Module REYAX RYLR998 1no
2. ESP8266 NodeMCU 1no
3. 1k Resistors 2no
4.4.7k Resistor 1no
5. 10k Resistor 1no
6. 5-mm LED 2no
7. 0.96″ OLED Display
8. Push-buttons 5no

In the transmitter LoRa circuit, I have used ESP8266 NodeMCU. Here I have made a voltage divider using 4.7k and 10k resistors to drop down the 5V logic level to the 3.3V logic level for the serial communication with the LoRa module.

For the serial communication with the LoRa module, I have used D7 as RX and D8 as TX with the SoftwareSerial library.
The pushbuttons are connected with the SD3, D3, D5, RX, and D6 GPIO pins of the NodeMCU. ( Here SD3, D3, D5, and RX are for controlling the relays, and D6 is used for requesting feedback from receiving side). And the status LED is connected with the D4 pin.

Receiver Lora Arduino circuit:

1. Lora Module REYAX RYLR998 1no
2. Arduino UNO 1no
3. 5v 4-channel Relay Module 1no
4. 1k Resistor 1no
5. 2k Resistor 1no
6. 4.7k Resistor 1no
7. 5-mm LED 1no
8. Push-Buttons or Switches 4no

In the receiver LoRa circuit, I have used Arduino UNO. Also here I have made a voltage divider using 2k and 4.7k resistors to drop down the 5V logic level to the 3.3V logic level.
For the serial communication with the Lora module, I have used D2 as RX and D3 as TX with the SoftwareSerial library.
I have used D4, D5, D6 & D7 digital pins to control the 4-channel relay module.

And the GPIO D10, D11, D12 & D13 are connected with switches to control the relay module manually.
The LED is connected with the A3 pin.

As per the source code, when the control pins of the relay module receive the LOW signal the respective relay will turn on and the relay will turn off for the HIGH signal in the control pin.
I have used the INPUT_PULLUP function in Arduino IDE instead of using the pull-up resistors with each switch.
I have used a 5V 2Amp power supply to supply the Arduino UNO and relay module.

Program ESP8266 NodeMCU with Arduino IDE

1. Update the Preferences –> Aditional boards Manager URLs: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json, http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
2. Then install the ESP8266 board from the Board manager or Click Here to download the ESP8266 board.

Download the required libraries from the following links:

1. Sinric Pro by Boris Jaeger (Download Sinric Pro examples for ESP8266 & ESP32)
2. WebSockets by Markus Sattler (minimum Version 2.3.5)
3. ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon (minimum Version 6.12.0)
4. Adafruit_SSD1306 2.5.1 Library

Download here:    Lora Rx and Tx Code


Subramanian MK, currently serving as a workshop instructor at Sakthi Polytechnic College, Erode Tamil Nadu. With a career spanning 25 + years, Subramanian MK has dedicated himself to advancing knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His passion for exploring new technologies has led to the development of numerous projects, showcasing expertise in IoT and PCB design.

Articles: 514

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