IoT Real Time Projects
1. Industry parameters monitoring and controlling system based on embedded web server.
2. Smart and Tiny IOT based data acquisition system based on advanced Cortex M3 based controller
3. Street lights monitor (failure lights alert) and controller over internet for smart cities
4. IOT based irrigation system with soil wet data threshold settings for different seasons
5. IOT Based Home Automation-Smart way to controlling your home from anywhere
6. Automatic energy meters monitoring in buildings and apartments using IOT
7. Implementation of Vehicle tracking and monitoring system using IOT
8. IOT based Green house monitoring and controlling system
9. Automatic and instantaneous power station power quality monitoring system using IOT
10. Temperaturemeasuring and reporting system with graph using IOT.
11. IOT based Remote machines status monitoring and controlling in industries
12. IOT based online Weather Report streaming with graphs.
13. Virtual care taker-online patient monitoring system.
14. Automatic Bus arrival and departure announcement system with time record system
15. smart Energy meters reading system in apartments with power quality, power theft and over load alert system for smart cities
16. Smart monitoring system for smart cities to monitoring and controlling of advertise hoarding lights with light failure indication system
17. A new innovative and effective system for trains and railway stations for auto announcements of trains ,power saving and auto railway gate control
18. Smart dustbins for smart cities, GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator
19. Electronic goods distribution system in ration shops
Advanced products price and info display with easy data changing system
20. Cell Phone Tower Base Station Safety System using GSM technology
21. A new generation smart digital home, security, safety and power saving and power quality monitoring
22. Advanced security systems for jeweler shops and banks
23. Automatic Zigbee based quick answering systems for multiple users for quiz games and feedback systems
24. Single or Multi electronic notice boards with operating distance up to 1000meters using RS485 protocol
25. Real time vehicle tracking with vehicle location indication on Google earth
26. Efficient power saver for street lights using LDR, RTC, LEDs light with solar power
27. Station names with distance indicator in railways
28. Wireless controller for operating power point presentations with laser light indication.
29. Voice guider and medicine reminder for patients and old age persons
30. Agricultural motor controlling with motor safety and water level indicator using GSM.