How to Configure iVMS-4500 App on Android
iVMS-4500 app is available on Android and iOS devices for video view of Hikvision DVRs, NVRs, IP cameras Hikvision products. This guide will help you to download, install and configure iVMS-4500 on your Android or Apple iOS device.
iVMS-4500 app provides multiple remote system functions including real-time live camera view, date/time search of events and recorded video playback, capture and save live pictures/video, PTZ camera controls, control of alarm output and configuration of the devices connected via a Wi-Fi or cellular 3G/4G LTE data connection. Supports Hik-Connect, IP address and Dynamic DNS domain name connections.
IP address and Dynamic DNS domain name connections require an internet routable IP address and port forwarding configured to forward ports 80, 8000 and 554 to your DVR/NVR/camera’s internal IP address.
Also, the IP address should be allocated in the router or set to static IP on the DVR/NVR/camera’s interface to prevent the internal IP address from changing. Also, changing the router or restoring factory defaults will require re-setup of any settings configured on the router.
Hik-Connect is a P2P Cloud Service that does not require opening of ports and will work with double-NAT internet configurations such as cellular networks.
Download and install:-
Depending on your device follow the instructions below to download and install the app.
Hikvision iVMS-4500
For Android device:-
Open the Play Store on your phone or tablet and search for: iVMS-4500 and click on INSTALL when you find the app by HIKVISION HQ.
Download Here:-
Ivms 4500 lite:
For Apple iOS device:
Open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and search for: iVMS-4500 lite and click on GET when you find the app by Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
Download Here
Configure iVMS-4500 app for your Region on your mobile device
Once you have downloaded and installed iVMS-4500, find the app on your device and open it.
Touch the Select Region (pencil icon)
In India Select Asia then scroll up or down until you see India
Configure iVMS-4500 app :-
For Hik-Connect:
1. Tap on the 3 horizontal lines (menu button) in the top-left corner of the app.
2. When the menu appears (see example on right), tap on Hik-Connect or Not Logged in at the top of the screen shown in the example on the right.
3. You will be taken to another screen that says Please login first. Tap on the Login (button).
If you do not already have an account, tap Register HIK-Connect to create an account or Forgot Password if your password needs to be reset.
If you already have an account, simply enter the login information and tap Authorized login By HIK-Connect (blue button)
If your system is already listed, simply click on the name of the system you wish to connect to. You can start a live view by tapping on the Live View button at the bottom of the screen.
To add a system to your Hik-Connect account, click on the + (plus sign) at the top right side of the app screen. Now scan the QR code or tap the pencil icon on the top right to manually enter the 9-digit Serial # shown in the DVR/NVR’s system information screens or provided by CITS. Confirm the 6-digit verification code as well to complete the setup.
If you are connecting via IP address or Dynamic DNS domain name:
Tap on the 3 horizontal lines (menu button) in the top-left corner of the app and select Devices. To begin adding a device, tap the + (plug sign) at the top right corner and tap Manual Adding as shown below. Once your device has been added it will be listed here.
On the New Device screen enter the information.
Alias: type a name you wish to own.
Register Mode: Select IP/Domain
Address: enter your public IP address or Dynamic DNS (DDNS) name
Port: 8000 (unless changed)
User Name: enter your DVR USER NAME
Password: enter your DVR PASSWORD
When available cameras then your enter your DVR verification code.