Category LoRa

What is LoRa? and Working Principle

LoRa – Datasheet and Working Principle LoRa (Long Range) is a wireless communication technology that enables long-range, low-power communication between devices. It is designed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications (Arduino) where devices need to transmit small amounts of data…

LoRa based Automation with Arduino

LoRA – DIY Model with Arduino Here used the Lora SX1278 module with ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This is quite an interesting project because first, you bring the sensor data from a remote location, where no internet facility is available, to…

LoRa Control Relay using Arduino

LoRa control Relay circuit with Arduino – How to? Here Reyax RYLR890 Lora module to design a Lora Arduino circuit that can control a relay module from 10 KM distance. Components: 1. Reyax RYLR896 LoRA module: 2no 2. Arduino Nano:…


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