AC Motor ESP32 Webserver

Controlling an AC motor with an ESP32 web server involves more complexity compared to controlling an LED due to the higher voltage and…

ESP32 Webserver Led Control

Controlling an LED using an ESP32 web server involves setting up the ESP32 to serve web pages and handle HTTP requests, which then…

I2C LCD with ESP32

Adding an I2C LCD display to an ESP32 microcontroller involves a few steps, including hardware connections and software configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide…

How to use ESP32 with DHT22

How to use ESP32 with DHT22 Controlling temperature using an ESP32 over WiFi can be accomplished by interfacing it with temperature sensors and…

ESP32 Led Blinking

Blinking LedTo create a program that blinks the built-in LED on an ESP32, you’ll need to use the Arduino IDE. Here’s a simple…


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