- A RFID based technological framework to detect medicinal fraud using GSM.
- Airport Signal Lamp Control and Monitoring
- Automated traffic Stop Line violation monitoring and reporting system
- Bus Announcement system in bus stops
- Communications by air craft pilot and control room using navigation lamp
- Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems
- Design of an intelligent SMS based remote metering system
- A RFID based technological framework to detect medicinal fraud using GSM.
- Airport Signal Lamp Control and Monitoring
- Automated traffic Stop Line violation monitoring and reporting system
- Bus Announcement system in bus stops
- Cell phone operated home automation system.
- Communications by air craft pilot and control room using navigation lamp
- Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems.
- Electricity E Billing in Automation based on wi-fi technology using rf 433 mhz
- Intelligent User Authentication and Anti-Spam system for embedded devices
- VB based live search robot
- Rail road signal lamp control and monitoring
- Secured password system for ATM using GSM
- Text messaging to authenticate products through matching hidden codes
- Touch screen based robotic control
- Auto Power Theft detector using Embedded System without GSM
- Boundary detection by constrained optimization
- Design of low cost maritime boundary identification device using gsm and gps system
- Finger print attendance management system
- Marine navigation signal lights monitoring in embedded technology
- Real time Fire put-off robot
- Electronic design for an implantable wireless power and data transmission system
- Two Factor Authentication Using Mobile Phones for industrial application
- Wireless Power Transmission – A Next Generation Power Transmission System with data Transfer
- AC Motor Speed Controlling System Using PWM Techniques
- High Way High Speed Sensing and Automatic Speed Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
- Computerized Pick and place sequence operated Robot
- Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
- Microcontroller Based Conveyor Automation
- Material Dimensions Analysing Robot
- Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
- PC based wireless pick and place crane
- PID controller for D.C motor
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Humidification system
- Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
- Microcontroller Based Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
- Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting AGV
- Microcontroller Based Mini Robot car
- Microcontroller Based Industrial temperature Analyzing Robot
- Microprocessor Controlled Thermometer
- Microcontroller Based Automatic medicine announcement system
- Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring and controlling system
- Microcontroller Based Digital password car parking system for apartment
- Automatic attendance monitoring and Light ON/OFF system
- Automatic Vehicle Over Speed Indication and Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
- Microcontroller based pick and place spray painting sequence robot
- Microcontroller Based Industry Safety Control System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic college bell with announcement System
- Microcontroller Based Ball Printing Robot
- Microcontroller based automatic dam shutter open/close system
- Microcontroller Based Automatic car Over taking System
- Microcontroller Based Phase sequence indicator and controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Multi-channel temperature monitor for surgery
- Microcontroller Based Multi-Device Digital Code Locking System
- Advertising Display using LED & LCD
- DSP based signal analyzer
- Phase failure manager (or) Identifier
- Dish Antenna Rotating System
- Microcontroller Based Multi-channel Fire (or) Smoke Detector
- Microcontroller Based Humidity Controller
- Microcontroller Based Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing Machine by using sensors
- Microcontroller Based Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
- Microcontroller Based Capacitance and Resistance Measurement Meter
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Power factor Controller
- Automatic Accident avoiding system in Machine
- Telephone Answering and Home appliances Control system through Cell Phone
- Telephone line based Audio Muting and Light ON/OFF Control System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Railway Gate Controller
- Microcontroller Based Mini Robo Car
- Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
- Micro controller Based humidity controller
- Microcontroller Based Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
- Microcontroller based temperature analyzing system for industrial control
- Microcontroller Based Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
- Microcontroller Based Digital Fuel Level Indicator
- Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
- Microcontroller Based Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
- Microcontroller Based Dam water level Indicator and Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting Robot
- Microcontroller based automatic car parking system
- Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring system
- Microcontroller Based Two Wheeler Automation with Security System
- Microcontroller Based Home Automation with Security System
- Micro controller Based dish antenna tracking system
- Microcontroller based intelligent bank security system
- Microcontroller Based Path Sensing(Finding) Robot
- Microcontroller Based Water Level Indicator
- Microcontroller Based voice controlled Machines
- GSM based industrial temperature monitoring and controlling system
- Microcontroller based automatic sensor based wall painting robot
- RFID based animal tracking system
- Finger print based door open close system
- Prepaid card for petrol bunk
- Voice operated home appliances controlling system
- PWM based single phase AC induction motor with closed loop controller
- Microcontroller based Finger print based voting machine
- RFID based medical information system.
- GSM based speed control of single phase induction motor
- Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
- Finger print based Lift operating system
- Remote home control through internet
- RFID based vehicle security and mobile based locking system
- Microcontroller based fault announcement system
- Prepaid card for EB meter with wireless recharge
- GSM based bank security system with auto dialer
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Ticket Dispensing Machine
- Microcontroller based voice recorder and play back system
- GSM and GPS interface for vehicle tracking system
- SMS based D.C motor speed controlling system
- Speed drive for single phase induction motor (IEEE 2004)
- Microcontroller based ball printing robot
- SMS based automatic weather report information system
- Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring and control system
- Microcontroller based wireless Electric bill reading system
- MS based home appliances controlling system
- RFID based system for class room identification for visually impaired
- Wireless energy transmitter with tariff system
- RFID based attendance system
- PC based pressure management and controlling system
- Microcontroller based motor monitoring and production system
- SMS based automatic electricity bill information system
- Microcontroller Based Punch card system
- Engine monitoring system through mobile phone
- MS based automatic two wheeler locking system
- RFID based production security system
- Micro controller Based smart card reader and writer
- Industrial furnace monitoring system through mobile phone
- Speed control of PMDC motor by using fuzzy logic
- Microcontroller based automatic Power theft identifier
- SMS based banking security system
- PC based wireless stepper motor speed controlling system
- Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile technique
- Microcontroller Based cash register
- SMS based industrial disaster system
- Microcontroller based transformer monitoring and production system
- Intelligent fire monitoring using blue tooth technology
- RFID R/W based prepaid energy meter
- Remote control of industrial machines based on GSM technology
- Microcontroller based PC to PC wireless data transfer system
- Microcontroller Based Power Management System
- Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring system
- SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller
- RFID based banking system
- Microcontroller Based Closed Loop Pressure Control System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing control Machine
- Microcontroller based automatic visitor guided vehicle
- Finger print based banking system
- Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
- Microcontroller based digital gear level indicator
- Microcontroller Based Railway track crack Detecting Vehicle
- GPS based location indicating system for unmanned automobile
- Artificial Intelligent Based Automatic Path finding Cum Video Analyzing Robot
- Microcontroller Based Voice Controlled Robot
- Microcontroller Based Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV)
- Digital energy with volt, current & power factor monitor
- Microcontroller based automatic paint marking machine
- Microcontroller Based Double Axis crane
- Microcontroller Based mono rail system
- Microcontroller Based Solar Powered Automated Guided vehicle (Solar AGV)
- Gas leakage detector & auto dialing controller system
- Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
- Microcontroller Based Sensor operated Automatic Track Guided vehicle (ATGV)
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Vehicle Accident information system
- Microcontroller Based Digital locking system (Password) for Two wheeler
- Microcontroller based digital energy meter
- Microcontroller Based speed and frequency monitoring and controlling system
- Micro controller Based 104 keyboard interface (PS/2)
- Microcontroller Based Intelligent Braking System
- Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
- Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel acquisition and control
- Microcontroller based automatic vehicle speed measuring system using IR Rays
- Microcontroller Based automatic industrial time management system with display
- SMS Based Banking Security System
- Microcontroller Based motor speed and frequency monitoring system
- Microcontroller based digital advertisement display using LED
- Microcontroller based maximum demand controller for industry
- Microcontroller Based Incubator
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Traffic and Street Light Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel Fire Alarm System
- Microcontroller Based motor speed monitoring and controlling system
- Microcontroller Based Remote Motor Speed Controlling System
- Microcontroller Based automatic glucose flow rate controller
- Microcontroller Based telephone Answering and Recording Machine
- Microcontroller Based Sensor Operated Path Finder Vehicle
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Moisture and Light control System for Garden
- Microcontroller Based digital temperature measurement system.
- Real-Time Clock Based on AT89S8252 Programmable Timer Based on AT90S4433 AVR Remote Controlled Stepper Motor
- A Simple Directional Detector/Counter
- Low Cost LCD Frequency Meter Using AT-89c2051 Countdown Timer Based on AT-89c2051 Automatic Rain Timer
- 3D Surround Sound System
- AVR Microcontroller Based Clock AT90S4433
- Remote-Controlled Land Rover
- Fastest-Finger-First Using AT89C51
- Pic Based SCR Triggering Circuit PIC16F84
- Code Lock Using AT89C2051
- Auto Switch for TV
- Digital Thermometer-Cum-ControllerAT89S8252
- Stepper Motor Controller Based AT89C51
- PC Based Oscilloscope Using PIC18F2550
- Automatic Flush System Based AT89c2051
- Digital Phase Selector
- Bidirectional Visitor Counter AT89C52
- Digital Thermometer Based PIC16F84
- Water-level Controller Based AT89C51
- Infrared Tracking Robot Based AT89C52
- Wireless Messaging Via Mobile AT89S8252
- Standalone Digital Clock Based LM8560
- Industrial Timer Based AT89s52
- Digital Voltmeter ICL7107
- Secured Room Access System Based ATMEGA8535
- Low-Cost Versatile Timer Using AT89C2051
- Microcontroller Based Alarm Clock AT89C2051
- Temperature Indicator-cum Controller AT8535
- AT89C2051 Based Tachometer
- AT89C2051 Based ultrasonic Distance Meter AT89C2051 Based Temperature Indicator (F/C) AT89C2051 Based DC Motor Controller AT89C2051 Based Capacitance Meter AT89C2051 Based Heart-Rate Meter
- Remote-Controlled Toy Boat
- Cell phone operated land rover
- Micro controller based induction meter
- Micro controller based Temperature meter
- PC-Based mobile Robot for Navigation
- Microcontroller Based Speedometer cum odometer
- Microcontroller Based Led Light Chaser
- Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
- Microcontroller Based Ring tone player
- Microcontroller Based Temperature Indicator
- Sequential power on
- Designing low power product using MSP430 mc
- PC based wireless stepper motor controller
- Stepper motor control C
- Parallel port controller using mat lab
- Multi channel door alarm with display
- Digital respiration rate meter
- High current DC motor controller
- PC Based wireless appliance control
- Automatic water pump controller
- Put coin and draw power
- Automatically line following robot
- Microcontroller based solar charger
- Microcontroller based pranayam timer
- RPM Counter using Microcontroller AT89C4051 AT89C51 Based Robot car
- Phase angle control of scr using AT89C51 Microcontroller Based Serial data Transfer to PC Frequency Counter Usin NE555 and CD4033
- Eight Channel Data Acquisition & Logging System using ATMEGA32 PIC 16F877A Based Temperature Monitioring System
- Cell phone Based Device Control with Voice Acknowledgement `Wireless Eguipment Control Using AT89C51
- Voltage Stablizer Using PIC16F877A
- Make Your Own Digital Alarm ClockAT89C51
- RFID Based Security System
- Pulse Counter Using AT89C4051.
- Automatic colour sorting machine.
- pick and place robot
- Digital energy conservation meter for industries using RTOS.
- Digital impedance with optimal adjustable setting using mc.
- Robot arm based colour ball sorting machine.
- PLC based OHC for textile industry with mixed input sensing system.
- Substation automation using SCADA.
- Automatic OWR system for solar panel.