Arduino projects For Final Year Students


  1. A RFID based technological framework to detect medicinal fraud using GSM.
  2. Airport Signal Lamp Control and Monitoring
  3. Automated traffic Stop Line violation monitoring and reporting system
  4. Bus Announcement system in bus stops
  5. Communications by air craft pilot and control room using navigation lamp
  6. Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems
  7. Design of an intelligent SMS based remote metering system
  8. A RFID based technological framework to detect medicinal fraud using GSM.
  9. Airport Signal Lamp Control and Monitoring
  10. Automated traffic Stop Line violation monitoring and reporting system
  11. Bus Announcement system in bus stops
  12. Cell phone operated home automation system.
  13. Communications by air craft pilot and control room using navigation lamp
  14. Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems.


  • Electricity E Billing in Automation based on wi-fi technology using rf 433 mhz
  • Intelligent User Authentication and Anti-Spam system for embedded devices
  • VB based live search robot
  • Rail road signal lamp control and monitoring
  • Secured password system for ATM using GSM
  • Text messaging to authenticate products through matching hidden codes
  • Touch screen based robotic control
  • Auto Power Theft detector using Embedded System without GSM
  • Boundary detection by constrained optimization
  • Design of low cost maritime boundary identification device using gsm and gps system
  • Finger print attendance management system
  • Marine navigation signal lights monitoring in embedded technology
  • Real time Fire put-off robot
  • Electronic design for an implantable wireless power and data transmission system
  • Two Factor Authentication Using Mobile Phones for industrial application
  • Wireless Power Transmission – A Next Generation Power Transmission System with data Transfer
  1. AC Motor Speed Controlling System Using PWM Techniques
  2. High Way High Speed Sensing and Automatic Speed Controlling System
  3. Microcontroller Based Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
  4. Computerized Pick and place sequence operated Robot
  5. Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
  6. Microcontroller Based Conveyor Automation
  7. Material Dimensions Analysing Robot
  8. Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
  9. Microcontroller Based Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
  10. PC based wireless pick and place crane
  11. PID controller for D.C motor
  12. Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
  13. Microcontroller Based Automatic Humidification system
  14. Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
  15. Microcontroller Based Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
  16. Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting AGV
  17. Microcontroller Based Mini Robot car
  18. Microcontroller Based Industrial temperature Analyzing Robot
  19. Microprocessor Controlled Thermometer
  20. Microcontroller Based Automatic medicine announcement system
  21. Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring and controlling system
  22. Microcontroller Based Digital password car parking system for apartment
  23. Automatic attendance monitoring and Light ON/OFF system
  24. Automatic Vehicle Over Speed Indication and Controlling System
  25. Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
  26. Microcontroller based pick and place spray painting sequence robot
  27. Microcontroller Based Industry Safety Control System
  28. Microcontroller Based Automatic college bell with announcement System
  29. Microcontroller Based Ball Printing Robot
  30. Microcontroller based automatic dam shutter open/close system
  31. Microcontroller Based Automatic car Over taking System
  32. Microcontroller Based Phase sequence indicator and controlling System
  33. Microcontroller Based Multi-channel temperature monitor for surgery
  34. Microcontroller Based Multi-Device Digital Code Locking System
  35. Advertising Display using LED & LCD
  36. DSP based signal analyzer
  37. Phase failure manager (or) Identifier
  38. Dish Antenna Rotating System
  39. Microcontroller Based Multi-channel Fire (or) Smoke Detector
  40. Microcontroller Based Humidity Controller
  41. Microcontroller Based Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
  42. Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing Machine by using sensors
  43. Microcontroller Based Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
  44. Microcontroller Based Capacitance and Resistance Measurement Meter
  45. Microcontroller Based Automatic Power factor Controller
  46. Automatic Accident avoiding system in Machine
  47. Telephone Answering and Home appliances Control system through Cell Phone
  48. Telephone line based Audio Muting and Light ON/OFF Control System
  49. Microcontroller Based Automatic Railway Gate Controller
  50. Microcontroller Based Mini Robo Car
  51. Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
  52. Micro controller Based humidity controller
  53. Microcontroller Based Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
  54. Microcontroller based temperature analyzing system for industrial control
  55. Microcontroller Based Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
  56. Microcontroller Based Digital Fuel Level Indicator
  57. Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
  58. Microcontroller Based Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
  59. Microcontroller Based Dam water level Indicator and Controlling System
  60. Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting Robot
  61. Microcontroller based automatic car parking system
  62. Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring system
  63. Microcontroller Based Two Wheeler Automation with Security System
  64. Microcontroller Based Home Automation with Security System
  65. Micro controller Based dish antenna tracking system
  66. Microcontroller based intelligent bank security system
  67. Microcontroller Based Path Sensing(Finding) Robot
  68. Microcontroller Based Water Level Indicator
  69. Microcontroller Based voice controlled Machines
  70. GSM based industrial temperature monitoring and controlling system
  71. Microcontroller based automatic sensor based wall painting robot
  72. RFID based animal tracking system
  73. Finger print based door open close system
  74. Prepaid card for petrol bunk
  75. Voice operated home appliances controlling system
  76. PWM based single phase AC induction motor with closed loop controller
  77. Microcontroller based Finger print based voting machine
  78. RFID based medical information system.


  • GSM based speed control of single phase induction motor
  1. Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
  2. Finger print based Lift operating system
  3. Remote home control through internet
  4. RFID based vehicle security and mobile based locking system
  5. Microcontroller based fault announcement system
  6. Prepaid card for EB meter with wireless recharge
  7. GSM based bank security system with auto dialer
  8. Microcontroller Based Automatic Ticket Dispensing Machine
  9. Microcontroller based voice recorder and play back system
  10. GSM and GPS interface for vehicle tracking system
  11. SMS based D.C motor speed controlling system
  12. Speed drive for single phase induction motor (IEEE 2004)
  13. Microcontroller based ball printing robot
  14. SMS based automatic weather report information system
  15. Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring and control system
  16. Microcontroller based wireless Electric bill reading system
  17. MS based home appliances controlling system
  18. RFID based system for class room identification for visually impaired
  19. Wireless energy transmitter with tariff system
  20. RFID based attendance system
  21. PC based pressure management and controlling system
  22. Microcontroller based motor monitoring and production system
  23. SMS based automatic electricity bill information system
  24. Microcontroller Based Punch card system
  25. Engine monitoring system through mobile phone
  26. MS based automatic two wheeler locking system
  27. RFID based production security system
  28. Micro controller Based smart card reader and writer
  29. Industrial furnace monitoring system through mobile phone
  30. Speed control of PMDC motor by using fuzzy logic
  31. Microcontroller based automatic Power theft identifier
  32. SMS based banking security system
  33. PC based wireless stepper motor speed controlling system
  34. Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile technique
  35. Microcontroller Based cash register
  36. SMS based industrial disaster system
  37. Microcontroller based transformer monitoring and production system
  38. Intelligent fire monitoring using blue tooth technology
  39. RFID R/W based prepaid energy meter
  40. Remote control of industrial machines based on GSM technology
  41. Microcontroller based PC to PC wireless data transfer system
  42. Microcontroller Based Power Management System
  43. Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring system
  44. SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller
  45. RFID based banking system
  46. Microcontroller Based Closed Loop Pressure Control System
  47. Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing control Machine
  48. Microcontroller based automatic visitor guided vehicle
  49. Finger print based banking system
  50. Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
  51. Microcontroller based digital gear level indicator
  52. Microcontroller Based Railway track crack Detecting Vehicle
  53. GPS based location indicating system for unmanned automobile
  54. Artificial Intelligent Based Automatic Path finding Cum Video Analyzing Robot
  55. Microcontroller Based Voice Controlled Robot
  56. Microcontroller Based Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV)
  57. Digital energy with volt, current & power factor monitor
  58. Microcontroller based automatic paint marking machine
  59. Microcontroller Based Double Axis crane
  60. Microcontroller Based mono rail system
  61. Microcontroller Based Solar Powered Automated Guided vehicle (Solar AGV)
  62. Gas leakage detector & auto dialing controller system
  63. Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
  64. Microcontroller Based Sensor operated Automatic Track Guided vehicle (ATGV)
  65. Microcontroller Based Automatic Vehicle Accident information system
  66. Microcontroller Based Digital locking system (Password) for Two wheeler
  67. Microcontroller based digital energy meter
  68. Microcontroller Based speed and frequency monitoring and controlling system
  69. Micro controller Based 104 keyboard interface (PS/2)
  70. Microcontroller Based Intelligent Braking System
  71. Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
  72. Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel acquisition and control
  73. Microcontroller based automatic vehicle speed measuring system using IR Rays
  74. Microcontroller Based automatic industrial time management system with display
  75. SMS Based Banking Security System
  76. Microcontroller Based motor speed and frequency monitoring system
  77. Microcontroller based digital advertisement display using LED
  78. Microcontroller based maximum demand controller for industry
  79. Microcontroller Based Incubator
  80. Microcontroller Based Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controlling System
  81. Microcontroller Based Automatic Traffic and Street Light Controlling System
  82. Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel Fire Alarm System
  83. Microcontroller Based motor speed monitoring and controlling system
  84. Microcontroller Based Remote Motor Speed Controlling System
  85. Microcontroller Based automatic glucose flow rate controller
  86. Microcontroller Based telephone Answering and Recording Machine
  87. Microcontroller Based Sensor Operated Path Finder Vehicle
  88. Microcontroller Based Automatic Moisture and Light control System for Garden
  89. Microcontroller Based digital temperature measurement system.


  • Real-Time Clock Based on AT89S8252 Programmable Timer Based on AT90S4433 AVR Remote Controlled Stepper Motor
  • A Simple Directional Detector/Counter
  • Low Cost LCD Frequency Meter Using AT-89c2051 Countdown Timer Based on AT-89c2051 Automatic Rain Timer
  • 3D Surround Sound System
  • AVR Microcontroller Based Clock AT90S4433
  • Remote-Controlled Land Rover
  • Fastest-Finger-First Using AT89C51
  • Pic Based SCR Triggering Circuit PIC16F84
  • Code Lock Using AT89C2051
  • Auto Switch for TV
  • Digital Thermometer-Cum-ControllerAT89S8252
  • Stepper Motor Controller Based AT89C51
  • PC Based Oscilloscope Using PIC18F2550
  • Automatic Flush System Based AT89c2051
  • Digital Phase Selector
  • Bidirectional Visitor Counter AT89C52
  • Digital Thermometer Based PIC16F84
  • Water-level Controller Based AT89C51
  • Infrared Tracking Robot Based AT89C52
  • Wireless Messaging Via Mobile AT89S8252
  • Standalone Digital Clock Based LM8560
  • Industrial Timer Based AT89s52
  • Digital Voltmeter ICL7107
  • Secured Room Access System Based ATMEGA8535
  • Low-Cost Versatile Timer Using AT89C2051
  • Microcontroller Based Alarm Clock AT89C2051
  • Temperature Indicator-cum Controller AT8535
  • AT89C2051 Based Tachometer
  • AT89C2051 Based ultrasonic Distance Meter AT89C2051 Based Temperature Indicator (F/C) AT89C2051 Based DC Motor Controller AT89C2051 Based Capacitance Meter AT89C2051 Based Heart-Rate Meter
  • Remote-Controlled Toy Boat
  • Cell phone operated land rover
  • Micro controller based induction meter
  • Micro controller based Temperature meter
  • PC-Based mobile Robot for Navigation
  • Microcontroller Based Speedometer cum odometer
  • Microcontroller Based Led Light Chaser
  • Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
  • Microcontroller Based Ring tone player
  • Microcontroller Based Temperature Indicator
  • Sequential power on
  • Designing low power product using MSP430 mc
  • PC based wireless stepper motor controller
  • Stepper motor control C
  • Parallel port controller using mat lab
  • Multi channel door alarm with display
  • Digital respiration rate meter
  • High current DC motor controller
  • PC Based wireless appliance control
  • Automatic water pump controller
  • Put coin and draw power
  • Automatically line following robot
  • Microcontroller based solar charger
  • Microcontroller based pranayam timer
  • RPM Counter using Microcontroller AT89C4051 AT89C51 Based Robot car
  • Phase angle control of scr using AT89C51 Microcontroller Based Serial data Transfer to PC Frequency Counter Usin NE555 and CD4033
  • Eight Channel Data Acquisition & Logging System using ATMEGA32 PIC 16F877A Based Temperature Monitioring System
  • Cell phone Based Device Control with Voice Acknowledgement `Wireless Eguipment Control Using AT89C51
  • Voltage Stablizer Using PIC16F877A
  • Make Your Own Digital Alarm ClockAT89C51
  • RFID Based Security System
  • Pulse Counter Using AT89C4051.

  • Automatic colour sorting machine.
  • pick and place robot
  • Digital energy conservation meter for industries using RTOS.
  • Digital impedance with optimal adjustable setting using mc.
  • Robot arm based colour ball sorting machine.
  • PLC based OHC for textile industry with mixed input sensing system.
  • Substation automation using SCADA.
  • Automatic OWR system for solar panel.

Subramanian MK, currently serving as a workshop instructor at Sakthi Polytechnic College, Erode Tamil Nadu. With a career spanning 25 + years, Subramanian MK has dedicated himself to advancing knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His passion for exploring new technologies has led to the development of numerous projects, showcasing expertise in IoT and PCB design.

Articles: 505

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